Sources for Education in Woburn

Woburn Lower School March 2007
The following list gives all the sources relating to education in Silsoe held by Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Records Service. Due to the terms of the Data Protection Act records containing personal details of living individuals will be closed in total, or in part, depending on the nature of the information.
- SD130Luton66: list of education material relating to Woburn at Luton Museum;
- A History of Woburn Free School 1860-1902;
- CRT130Woburn7: typescript rules relating to Woburn Free School: 1582;
- CRT130Woburn8: notes on the Free School charity: 1582-1884;
- CRT130Woburn12: notes on Woburn Free School: 1582-1884;
- ABR20 folio 51 and ABP/W1582/60: will of William Stanton of Eversholt leaving a cow to the free schools “nowe building att Woburne”: 1582;
- ABP/P30/12/1587: reference in a will to “buying Scapula his lexicon to continue and remayne in the Scholehouse of Wobirne for the benefit of the Schollers”: 1587;
- X27/9: reference in a will to repayment of money belonging to the school: 1594;
- Lincoln Diocesan Archive holds a nomination of James Tonge to be schoolmaster: 1603;
- R5/79/2: Woburn Abbots manor cash accounts noting partition to the schoolhouse and stipend to the master: 1687-1688;
- RVouchersBox346: Thomas Thornicroft taught and clothed thirty boys: 1729;
- R4/60: schoolmaster’s salary: 1735;
- Z742/38: Elements of Geography composed for Woburn Academy: 1799;
- Z49/199: picture of Woburn Academy: 19th century;
- X171/244: picture of Woburn Academy: 19th century;
- Mic193: copybook of Thomas Wilson with advertisement for Joseph Daniel’s school for young gentlemen: 1805-1807;
- W1/851-852: a report on the school sent to Samuel Whitbread by the Duke of Bedford: 1808;
- R4/608/35: proposal for establishing a girls’ school and its rules: 1813;
- R2403-2404: committee of the boys’ school regarding storage of coal: 1831;
- R3/4382: Duke of Bedford’s subscription to the school: 1841;
- R3/4384: Duke of Bedford’s interest in the school: 1841;
- R3/4542: situation at the school: 1842;
- R3/4546: further details regarding the school: 1842;
- R3/4548-4549: consideration that the Duke of Bedford should build a new school: 1842;
- R3/4610: possibility of a new infants’ school at Woburn meaning a new senior school could be postponed: 1842;
- R3/4662: mention of the free school: 1843;
- R3/4856: school finances falling off: 1844;
- R3/4860: a national school would only get a grant if they had a freehold site, the dissenters having a long lease: 1844;
- R3/4865: dissenters grateful for the Duke of Bedford’s subscription: 1844;
- R3/4961: proposed site of a new boys’ school in Leighton Street: 1845;
- R3/4972: house proposed for the schoolmaster is better than that at Ampthill: 1845;
- R3/4951: the school “sadly dilapidated”: 1845;
- SD2/1: admission register: 1850-1875;
- SD1/1: logbook: 1863-1886;
- SD2/2: admission register: 1867-1922;
- R4/792: statement of pupil numbers, statement of accounts, subscribers, contributions etc. also evening school accounts: 1867-1868;
- AD3655-3662: School Board election papers: c. 1873;
- SB51/8: School Board byelaws: c. 1873;
- SB51/2: copy agreement for boys’ school room and out offices: 1873;
- SB51/3: copy agreement for girls’ school room and out offices: 1873;
- SB51/4: copy agreement regarding the infants’ school: 1874;
- SB51/5: copy agreement between the Duke of Bedford and School Board regarding offices and fittings: 1874;
- E/SA3/1/1: tabulated return of pupils under the factory and Workshop Act 1878: 1879
- R1/192 page 144: plan of the site of Woburn Free School: 1880;
- X21/724-725: certificates for attaining 4th and 5th Standards: 1880-1881;
- R4/938: children playing truant by gathering sticks: 1884;
- P122/8/5: parish contribution enforced to maintain children at the board school: 1886;
- SD1/2: logbook: 1886-1928;
- Bedfordshire Magazine Volume V page 17: photograph of 8 and 8a Leighton Street “where Jeremiah Wiffen kept school”: 20th century;
- Fac78/3: picture of the school: c. 1900;
- Fac87/1: exercise book of Horace Smith: 1900-1901;
- RBox817 bundle 1/11: painting of the staircase to Woburn Abbey schoolroom: c. 1901;
- SB51/1: School Board financial statement: 1903;
- SB51/7: report of the clerk to the School Board to Bedfordshire County Council: 1903;
- SMM26/1: school managers’ minutes: 1903-1937;
- E/TE5/1: details of teachers of boys’, girls’ and infants’ schools: 1904-1908;
- Z50/142/349: photograph of the girls’ and infants’ school: c. 1907;
- E/TE5/2: details of teachers of boys’, girls’ and infants’ schools: 1908-1912;
- Z50/142/350-351: photographs of the girls’ and infants’ school: c. 1909-1911;
- E/IN1/1: Inspector’s reports for boys’, girls’ and infants’ and later for junior schools: 1909-1935;
- Z253/2-3: prizes for nature study work competition: 1910-c.1913;
- Z50/142/352: photograph of the boys school: c. 1911;
- Z252/2: photograph of infants’ class with mistress: 1912;
- Z253/3: letter from the headmaster about local affairs: c.1913;
- Z252/3: photograph of a girls’ class: 1916;
- Z252: details of teachers: c.1917;
- SD2/3: admission register: 1922-1928;
- Z1205/172: oral history reminiscences: c. 1939-1945;
- CCA9/7: renewal of Bedford Estates lease of the school: 1947-1949;
- CCA9/9: water supply agreement: 1952-1970;
- CA8/717: building maintenance file: 1964-1981;
- CA2/837: proposed lower school site: 1975-1980;
- Z271/1: tape of reminiscences of Mrs. Nursall: 1976-1977;
- E/TE3/3: return of teaching staff: 1981;
- BP64/51/5 and BP63/6/6/2-6: photographs of Woburn Lower School Tudor Concert: 1982;
- BP63/6/6/7: photograph of classroom: 1982;
- BP63/6/6/8: photograph of masonry crest: 1982;
- BP64/51/6: photograph of the school: 1982;
- BP63/6/6/1: photograph of recorder concert: 1982;
- E/TE3/6: return of teaching staff: 1986;
- E/MS3/2/2: kitchen and other details: c. 1987;
- PCWoburn4/6: school management committee to appoint a representative to the Swimming Pool Management Committee: 1987;
- E/TE2/2/L77: details of the school: 1989;
- PCWoburn11/2: copy of R1/192: c. 1992;
- CCA311/5-7: internal and external alterations: 1993;
- PCWoburn26/2: letter about cleaning the stonework: 1994;
- E/Pu4/4/212: school prospectus: 1995.