Riseley Index of Pages
The following pages are designed to give a brief history of some aspects of the community. They are certainly not intended to be exhaustive and more work could be done, for example, on the interesting buildings with reference to census returns, electoral registers and name searches for owners and/or occupiers amongst our other archives, or on churches with reference to the parish records. We hope that reading these pages will encourage you to do more research of your own. If you find additional information on any of the pages below or, indeed, information on aspects of the community not covered here, we would love to hear from you and could publish your research here, giving credit, of course, where it is due!
The Parish of Riseley in General
Timeline of Events in Riseley
Riseley Maps
Riseley Deaths 1690-1742
Brickmaking in Riseley
Prehistoric & Roman Riseley
Prehistoric Riseley
Romano-British Riseley
Medieval Riseley
Anglo-Saxon Riseley
Riseley in 1086
Medieval Sudden Death and Robbery in Riseley
The Manor of Riseley
The Manor of Harvies
The Manor of Lawrence
The Manor of Pertesoils or Pertesoyles
The Established Church
Riseley Church Architecture
Riseley Church Repairs and Alterations
List of Riseley Vicars
Riseley Vicarages
Registration and Early References in Riseley
Strict Baptists in Riseley
Methodists in Riseley
Moravians in Riseley
Quakers in Riseley
Early Education in Riseley
Riseley School
Riseley School in 1904
Margaret Beaufort School, Riseley
Sources for Education in Riseley
Interesting Buildings
Riseley Windmills
Riseley Lodge Farm
Church Lane
14 and 16 Church Lane, Riseley
Gold Street
8 to 12 Gold Street, Riseley
13 and 15 Gold Street, Riseley
18 to 22 Gold Street, Riseley
High Street
Town Farm - 10 High Street, Riseley
16 to 20 High Street, Riseley
22 High Street, Riesley
Ivy House - 24 High Street, Riseley
26 High Street, Riseley
Appletrees - 29 High Street, Riseley
Carpenter's Lodge - 35 High Street, Riseley
38 and 40 High Street, Riseley
Highbarn House - 39 High Street, Riseley
Cannon Cottage - 44 and 46 High Street, Riseley
Rosebank - 57 High Street, Riseley
Ashton Cottage - 58 High Street, Riseley
59 High Street, Riseley
60 High Street, Riseley
61 to 67 High Street, Riseley
62 High Street, Riseley
68 and 70 High Street, Riseley
Brook House - 72 High Street, Riseley
75 and 77 High Street, Riseley
76 and 78 High Street, Riseley
Misletoe Cottage - 80 High Street, Riseley
Old Mill Cottage - 82 and 84 High Street, Riseley
86 High Street, Riseley
Cobbler's Cottage - 90 and 92 High Street, Riseley
91 High Street, Riseley
93 High Street, Riseley
95 High Street, Riseley
100 High Street, Riseley
Swan Cottage - 101 High Street, Riseley
103 High Street, Riseley
105 High Street, Riseley
110 High Street, Riseley
118 High Street, Riseley
Dove Cottage - 120 and 122 High Street, Riseley
Maple Cottage - 124 High Street, Riseley
133 High Street, Riseley
135 High Street, Riseley
Rafters - 151 High Street, Riseley
Whitegates - 153 High Street, Riseley
160 High Street, Riseley
Three Bears Cottage - 161 High Street, Riseley
Hollyhocks - 162 High Street, Riseley
163 High Street, Riseley
170 High Street, Riseley
Riseley Lodge
Rotten Row
2 Rotten Row, Riseley
8 Rotten Row, Riseley
14 and 16 Rotten Row, Riseley
15 Rotten Row, Riseley
Riseley Parish Workhouse
Licensed Premises
The Boot Public House, Riseley
The Five Bells Public House, Riseley
The Fox and Hounds Public House, Riseley
The George and Dragon Beerhouse, Riseley
The Red Lion Public House, Riseley
The Royal Oak Public House, Riseley
The Swan Beerhouse, Riseley
The Three Horseshoes Public House, Riseley
The White Horse Public House, Riseley