Cobblers Cottage - 90 and 92 High Street Riseley

90 and 92 High Street April 2015
Cobbler's Cottage is not listed. It is, nevertheless, an 18th century cottage. It is built of colour-washed roughcast over a timber frame with a thatched roof and comprises two storeys.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the building [DV1/C217/128-129] found that it was owned by A D Roberts who lived in Number 92, known as Sunny Croft, himself. His accommodation comprised a living room, a kitchen, a scullery and two bedrooms. Outside stood a range of weather-boarded and corrugated iron buildings ("very dilapidated – used for fowls"), a weather-boarded and tiled barn and a brick and tiled washhouse used as a store.
Number 90 was in occupation of Mrs Bath who paid £3 per annum rent for a kitchen and bedroom with a weather-boarded and tiled barn outside. The valuer considered the dwelling "minute".