18 to 22 Gold Street Riseley

Misletoe Cottage - 22 Gold Street April 2015
18 to 22 Gold Street were listed by the former Department of Environment in June 1974 as Grade II, of special interest. They date from the 18th century and are timber-framed with colour-washed roughcast render. The roofs have slates at the front and pantiles at the rear. They comprise two storeys with a sinlge storey lean-to addition to the north-west elevation and a two storey addition to the rear.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the row [DV1/C215/134-136] found all three owned by J Gell. Number 18 was occupied by C Gell and Number 20 by J Carrington. Both paid £3/10/- per annum for a living room, kitchen and two bedrooms with a weather-boarded and tiled barn outside each. Number 22 was occupied by J Gell himself. Again, he had a living room, kitchen and two bedrooms with a weather-boarded and corrugated iron washhouse, two barns and a cycle house.