38 and 40 High Street Riseley

38 and 40 High Street April 2015
38 and 40 High Street were listed by the former Department of Environment in June 1974 as Grade II, of special interest. The cottages date from the 18th century and are constructed from colour-washed roughcast over a timber frame with thatched roofs. They comprise one storey and attics. There is a later two-storey addition to the rear of Number 38.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the cottages [DV1/C222/19-20] found they were both owned by F Litchfield. Number 38 was occupied by grocer Betram Nethercote Steer whose rent was £5 per annum for a living room, a parlour and a kitchen with three bedrooms above. The valuer commented: "Extraordinary shape – part was formerly bakehouse". The shop measured 12 feet 6 inches by 11 feet. A brick and tiled washhouse and barn with a loft over stood outside along with an old brick and tiled cottage part of which Steer used as a store barn. In the valuer's opinion the property was "very bad".
Number 40 was in occupation of G Sawford and comprised a living room, kitchen and two bedrooms. A weather-boarded and tiled barn stood outside. The other half of the brick and tiled cottage was used as a barn by this tenant.
In 1979 planning permission was applied for to alter the floor and ceilings of Number 40 [BorBTP/79/1388/LB]. In 1989 the cottages suffered a fire and the roof had to be reconstructed [BorBTP/89/161/LB] planning permission was sought to demolish and remove the existing extension behind Number 38 and replace it [BorBTP/89/1135/LB]