93 High Street Riseley

93 High Street April 2015
93 High Street is not listed. It is, however, an 18th century building of a single storey with attics. It is built of brick with a tiled roof.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the property [DV1/C217/16] found that it was part of a farm owned by Mrs Priscilla Howard. The house, occupied by Miss Howard at no rent, comprised a living room, parlour, kitchen and scullery with two bedrooms above. A brick and tiled barn and a weather-boarded and thatched bran both stood outside.
The farm buildings behind the house comprised: a brick and tiled lean-to; a weather-boarded and thatched sty; two weather-boarded and thatched cattle boxes; a brick and tiled calf pen; a brick and thatched henhouse; a brick and thatched cowshed for two beasts; a brick, plaster and thatched cutting and chaff barn; a brick and tiled two bay open hovel and yard; a weather-boarded and tiled box; a brick and tiled cattle box and hen house; a brick and tiled lean-to cart shed; a brick and tiled two stall stable and pigsty and a weather-boarded and tiled fowl shed.
Mrs Howard herself lived at 95 High Street.