Ivy House - 24 High Street Riseley

Ivy House - 24 High Street April 2015
Ivy House was listed by the former Department of Environment in June 1974 as Grade II, of special interest. The house dates from the 17th or 18th century and was altered in the 19th century. It is constructed of colour-washed roughcast over a timber frame and has a slate roof. In is L-shaped and comprises two storeys.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the house [DV1/C222/25] found that the owner was C Davies who also lived there. The property stood in just under half an acre and had electric light produced by its own plant. The "well-built residence" comprised: a lobby; a dining room measuring 14 feet by 15 feet; a drawing room measuring 19 feet 6 inches by 15 feet; a smoke room ("very small"); a kitchen; a scullery and pantries. Three bedrooms lay upstairs measuring respectively 12 feet by 21 feet, 10 feet by 15 feet and 14 feet square. There was also a dressing room and three smaller bedrooms. A later hand has annotated the addition of a bathroom with hot and cold water and a WC.
A number of buildings stood outside. There was a conservatory measuring 15 feet by 7 feet 6 inches and a small glasshouse measuring 14 feet by 8 feet. A brick and slate cottage adjoined but was not used. A brick and slate garage measured 20 feet by 15 feet with an inspection pit. Brick and slate stabling with a loft over was used as a store. A brick and slate range included a coal barn, a washhouse and laundry and a cinder house. There was also a brick and tiled barn. The valuer commented: "Fine garden with tennis and croquet lawn".