90 and 92 High Town Road Luton

90 and 92 High Town Road June 2011
90 and 92 High Town Road although looking similar have always been separate shop units, albeit sometimes in the same ownership. At the time of writing Number 90 is hair salon whilst the next door shop sells soft furnishings.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting 90 and 92 High Town Road [DV1/R59/33] found that they were owned by E. G. Gibbs, leased by Ivinghoe [Buckinghamshire] brewers Roberts and Wilson and sublet to K. Alice Davis. Kate Davis is listed by Kelly’s Directory for Bedfordshire of 1928 as a confectioner. Clearly she also sold beer. The valuer commented: “Small Trader, but could not get detail”. Roberts and Wilson paid £84 per annum on a seven year lease dating from 1924 for both 90 and 92 High Town Road.
The shop was in 92 High Town Road and was in two areas, measuring respectively 10 feet by 23 feet and 12 feet 6 inches by 10 feet. Kate Davis lived both over the shop and in 90 High Town Road. Her accommodation comprised a living room, a kitchen and five bedrooms. Old stables, measuring 25 feet by 12 feet but “not used” stood outside.
Directories for Bedfordshire were published every few years from 1839, for example, the beginning of the 20th century has directories for 1903, 1906, 1910 and 1914. Countywide directories ceased to be published during the Second World War, the last for Bedfordshire being in 1940. Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Records Service has directories just for Luton for 1939, 1950, 1960, 1965, 1968, 1972, 1974 and 1975. The first street numbers in High Town Road begin to appear in directories in 1885.
- 1885: 90 – William Carter, grocer;
- 1890: 90 – William Carter, grocer;
- 1894: 90 – Eleazar Batten, butcher; 92 – Francis Wright;
- 1898: 92 – Frederick William Morley, confectioner;
- 1903: 90 – Albert Norris, hardware dealer; 92 - Albert Jeakings, confectioner;
- 1906: 90 – Albert Norris, hardware dealer; 92 - William Hawkes, beer retailer;
- 1910: 90 – Albert Norris, hardware dealer; 92 – Albert Hill, confectioner;
- 1914: 90 – William Norris, bootmaker; 92 - Frederic Davies, confectioner;
- 1920: 90 – William Norris & Son, boot makers; 92 – Mrs. Kate A. Davies, confectioner;
- 1924: 90 - Norris & Son, bootmakers; 92 - Mrs. Kate A. Davies, confectioner;
- 1928: 90 - A. & H. Norris Limited, bootmakers; 92 - Mrs. Kate A. Davies, confectioner;
- 1931: 90 – A. & H. Norris Limited, bootmakers; 92 - Mrs. Kate A. Davies, confectioner;
- 1936: 92 - Mrs. Kate A. Davies, confectioner;
- 1939: 90 – Quick Repair Boot Service; 92 – Mrs. Kate A.Davis;
- 1940: 90 – Quick Service Boot Repairs (W. H. Broughall Limited); 92 - Mrs. Kate A. Davies, confectioner;
- 1950: 90 – Stamp Shop; 92 – Thomas G. F. Young;
- 1960: 90 – not listed; 92 - A. Burditt, beer retailer;
- 1965: 90 – High Town Electric, electrical engineers; 92 - vacant;
- 1968: 90 – not listed; 92 – John R. Phillips;
- 1972: 92 – East and West Electrics, television dealers; Ivy Mowcrieffe;
- 1974: 90 - not listed; 92 - vacant;
- 1975: 92 – Thompson’s & Son, beer wholesalers;
- 2011: 90 – Lucia hair salon; 92 – Bespoke, curtains and soft furnishings.