27 and 29 Park Street West Luton

27 and 29 Park Street West July 2008
At one time J. W. Green Limited owned most of the properties in Park Street West. Their Phoenix Brewery lay in the street and they steadily bought up most of the other properties for use as offices and other for other uses.
On 25th March 1891 H. O. Williams conveyed the properties to Mrs. C. Matthew. Three years later she conveyed them to Ezra Pigott and on 28th April 1922 Henry Frank Pigott conveyed them to Blanche Annie Abraham. She conveyed them to J. W. Green Limited i[on 29th November 1929.
The properties were listed by the former Department of Environment on february 1981 as Grade II, of special interest. They were built about 1860 and now form a single two storey dwelling, made of Luton grey brick with red brick dressings.