8 and 10 George Street Luton

George Street in 1901 - to see a larger version, please click on the image
8 and 10 George Street is first listed in a directory in 1885 when it was occupied, along with 6 George Street, by Mrs. Mary Mares, "gentleman's outfitter, hatter, hosier, boot warehouse, clothier and tailor". She is also listed in a directory of 1877 as an outfitter simply in George Street. In a directory of 1869 John Mares is listed as an outfitter in George Street. It seems a reasonable guess that both entries indicate the use of 6 to 10 George Street. Mary Mares is last listed in 1914 and by 1920 Charles Mares was the occupier. In 1924 he shared Number 8 with Luton Typewriting and Office Supplies Company.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every piece of land and building in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. Most of Bedfordshire was valued in 1927. Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Records Service is lucky in having the valuer's notebook covering most of George Street. Evidence in the book shows that the survey of George Streettook place in 1928.
Blundell Brothers (Luton) Limited owned 8 and 10 as well as 12 to 14 and 30 George Street by 1928. They also had 2-16 Cheapside and 9a Chapel Street. Their entry in Kelly's Directory for Bedfordshire in 1928 reads:
General Drapers, Complete House Furnishers,
Removals and Storage.
Phone: Luton 1110 (2 lines).
The entry for 8 and 10 George Street [DV1/J2/18a] notes: "This is a separate hereditament" which "was connected to old premises", clearly implying that Blundell Brothers had not long acquired it, presumably from Charles Mares, or his estate; the old premises mentioned being 12 to 14 George Street which Blundell Brothers had had since at least 1903. The ground floor shop had three areas measuring 19 feet by 15 feet, 18 feet by 35 feet, 17 feet by 10 feet and 21 feet. The first floor room measured 21 feet by 34 feet.
Blundell Brothers (Luton) Limited are shown occupying the premises in successive directories until 1968. By 1972 the premises was no longer listed. Today [2010] Debenhams Department Store stands on the site.