Sources for Sandy Church Schools

Saint Swithun's Lower School April 2010
Note: some of the following information may not be accessible due to the personal information it contains.
- CRT120/40: notes on Sandy National Schools;
- X344/62: copy conveyance of site: 1868;
- P9/29/4-5: conveyance of site and trust deed: 1868;
- P29/6: contract for building the school: 1868;
- AD3865/38: plans of girls' school and teacher's house: c. 1868;
- SDSandySS3/1: National/Public Elementary Infants School log book: 1874-1904;
- PM3009: newspaper cutting regarding bazaar in aid of building a new infants school: 1890;
- SDGreenfield3/1: cutting regarding the examination of Sandy schools by H. M. Inspector: 1891;
- SDSandySS1/2: National/Public Elementary Boys School admission register: 1893-1912;
- P9/29/7, 10: deeds of additional ground: 1895, 1907;
- PM3009: printed programme of grand concert at Conservative Club in aid of the school fund: 1896;
- SDSandySS2/1: National/Public Elementary Girls School log book: 1898-1911;
- SDSandySS3/3: National/Public Elementary Infants School admission register: 1899-1912;
- P9/29/8: plans of alterations: 1901;
- X344/63: conveyance: 1902;
- E/SA3/1/2: managers' and inspector's reports: 1903;
- P9/29/3: school managers minute book: 1903-1924;
- X758/1/11/89-93: photographs of unnamed school groups: c. 1904-1912;
- E/TE5/3: details of teachers: 1904;
- P9/29/9: plans of alterations: 1905-1906;
- SDSandySS3/2: PublicElementaryInfantsSchool log book: 1905-1927;
- E/IN1/1: inspector's reports: 1907-1923;
- SDSandySS3/4: PublicElementaryInfantsSchool admission register: 1909-1927;
- SDSandySS2/2: PublicElementaryGirlsSchool log book: 1911-1924;
- E/TE5/4: details of teachers: 1912;
- P9/29/1: accounts on expenditure on buildings: 1913-1915;
- SDSandySS1/3: PublicElementaryBoysSchool admission register: 1913-1920;
- SDSandySS1/1: PublicElementaryBoysSchool log book: 1915-1920;
- SDSandySS4/1: PublicElementaryJuniorSchool log book: 1920-1938;
- SDSandySS4/2: PublicElementaryJuniorSchool admission register: 1920-1934;
- CS/SPL2116: claim on the military for damage when the mixed school was used as a Practical Instruction Centre: 1940s;
- SDSandySS5/1/1: Saint Swithun's log book: 1953-1986;
- P9/29/2: papers regarding the school house: 1958;
- CA8/393: building maintenance file: 1965-1978;
- SDSandySS5/2/1: Saint Swithun's admission register: 1973-1993;
- E/SE3/1/1: notes on special education unit attached to the school: 1975;
- CA2/433: building file for larder, toilet and cloakroom extension: 1975-1976;
- E/TE3/4: return of teaching staff: 1981;
- E/TE3/7: return of teaching staff: 1986;
- E/MS3/2/1: kitchen and other details: c. 1987;
- E/ME2/2/1: school involvement with the Professional Development Tutor for Multicultural Education in Predominantly White Schools: 1988-1989;
- E/ME4/2/2: notes on the school approach to multicultural education: 1988-1989;
- E.Pu4/4/93: school prospectus: 1995.