![Elevation of the Church Schools [AD3865/38/3]](/CommunityHistories/Sandy/SandyImages/Elevation of the Church Schools [AD3865-38-3].jpg)
Elevation of the Church Schools [AD3865/38/3]
The Education Act 1902, which came into force in 1903, established Bedfordshire County Council as the Local Education Authority for the county. The new LEA set out to determine the condition of its school buildings and the County Surveyor made his report in 1904. The report for Sandy Public Elementary School was exactly as set out below.
These are brick built and slated, of modern style, well lighted, and ventilated by windows. The floors are very much worn, but will last for some time.
The rooms are as follows: -
*Boys' School 52 feet 8 inches by 20 feet 7 inches by 12 feet 3 inches to 18 feet 3 inches
Well lighted and ventilated by windows.
Lobby 21 feet 8 inches by 5 feet 3 inches.
This is dark, more light and air are necessary.
*Boys' Class Room 18 feet 2 inches by 14 feet 2 inches by 12 feet 3 inches to 18 feet 3 inches.
Well lighted and ventilated by windows.
*Girls' Class Room 56 feet 3 inches by 20 feet 5 inches by 12 feet 3 inches to 18 feet 3 inches.
Well lighted and ventilated by windows.
Girls' Lobby 26 feet by 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet 3 inches.
Not well lighted, more light and air are necessary.
Infants' Room 40 feet 7 inches by 24 feet by 13 feet 6 inches to 15 feet.
Well lighted and ventilated by windows.
Infants' Room 19 feet 6 inches by 24 feet by 13 feet 6 inches by 15 feet.
Well lighted and ventilated by windows.
Infants' Cloak Room 16 feet 8 inches by 16 feet by 9 feet 9 inches to 10 feet 9 inches.
Also lavatories, all in good order.
All the rooms are warmed by Tortoise Stoves.
Internal painting and repairs have been done throughout the Schools. They are now looking very fresh and clean.
The Lobbies to the Boys' and Girls' Schools are narrow, and not well lighted. Lavatories should be provided.
The Infants School is an excellent, airy, lofty building, well lighted and warmed. This will need cleaning and renewing another year.
An Excellent Lobby with ample Cloak Room and Lavatories is provided for this School.
These are very near to the School; they have pail receptacles, without earth, and, together with the Urinal, are very offensive.
The same type is provided for the Boys' and Girls' Schools. These are so near to the Schools as to be a source of danger.
N. B. - When making special enquiries re these, I was informed that in a new project for School extension, these are to be removed, and that it is proposed to build a long range of the same poor type. They are shown dangerously near the suggested new buildings on plan.
Sandy has so often been attacked by Diphtheria, causing the Schools to be closed; it is therefore of the utmost importance that a good sanitary provision be made for existing as well as for prospective requirements. The present Offices are very questionable.
The Schools are, unfortunately, built upon ground lower than the public highway, and are not provided with proper surface water drains. I saw this fully demonstrated, as a heavy thunder rain fell while I was there taking notes; very quickly a large pool of water stood over the greater part of the front playground. Such an area as this teeming with young life over a waterlogged site is likely to be very prejudicial to the health of both Scholars and Teachers.
To lift the floors would radically alter the buildings, beside marring them, and entailing heavy costs.
I find, upon taking levels, that a good outfall can be effected by a drain being laid across the allotment gardens, which in turn would also benefit a portion of the land that is waterlogged at times. The easement if procured would enable the premises to be effectively drained of surface water.
I have taken these notes as I am sure that at no point in the County is there greater need for more than ordinary precautions than here.
Coal Barn is provided.
Playgrounds These should be tar paved, after proper drainage.
Other requirements are as follows: -
Sanitary dustbins for Girls and Infants' Schools should be provided.
Infants' Care Room: -
Partitions are needed here instead of Curtains. The classes are large, viz: 70, 71 and 87. These when divided make up six. Revolving shutters would be most effective.
Girls' Main Room. Two partitions similar to those named for Infants' Room are said to be necessary for efficient teaching.
Playgrounds: -
These need open shed shelters, as many children come from a distance, reaching School early, and have no shelter from the rain or hot sun.
Mistress's House
The Mistress's House is well built, and contains six rooms, viz.: three on ground floor, and three on chamber floor, also Pantry, Closets, Coal Barn, and a small back yard.
The sizes of the rooms are as follows: -
Parlour 12 feet 3 inches by 12 feet by 8 feet 3 inches.
Sitting Room 12 feet by 10 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 3 inches.
Kitchen 10 feet 8 inches by 8 feet by 8 feet 3 inches.
The rooms over are the same size.
Also Hall and Stairway.
The house is in very fair order. Cleansing should be done next year.
A separate sanitary dustbin should be provided.
Master's House
This is in excellent order, and recently restored. It has six dwelling rooms, Pantry, Closet, Barn, two Lobbies, Entrance Hall and Stairway.
The sizes of the rooms are as follows: -
12 feet 9 inches by 12 feet by 8 feet.
12 feet 6 inches by 11 feet 2 inches by 8 feet.
8 feet by 8 feet 6 inches by 8 feet.
Rooms on Chamber floor: -
12 feet 9 inches by 12 feet by 9 feet average.
12 feet 9 inches by 11 feet by 11 feet 11 inches.
12 feet 6 inches by 8 feet by 9 feet.
A detached room 14 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches by 7 feet 6 inches, in which is a Kitchen Range and Cupboards for Summer use. This is of brick, timber, and slated.
Water Supply
The water, which has not always been good, is obtained from a Pump in yard
A large garden is part of this occupation.
Eighteen Tobin Tubes and six Exhaust ventilators should be provided for these