The Wellington Public House Kempston

The Wellington public house October 2007
The Wellington Public House: 16 Bedford Road, Kempston
The Wellington was first licensed in 1887 [CLP1] and was owned by Bedford brewer Thomas Jarvis, whose business was bought by rival Bedford brewer Charles Wells in 1910.
Bedfordshire was valued in 1927 under the Rating Valuation Act 1925; every piece of land and building was valued to determine the rates to be paid on it. The valuer visiting the Wellington [DV1/R25] found that accommodation consisted of two bars, a tap room, club room (with convertible billiards table), kitchen and cellar downstairs and four bedrooms and a bathroom above. Outside were a washhouse, barn and W. C., stable and cart shed. Weekly trade was good at three to three and a half barrels, eight dozen bottles, and eight to ten dozen half bottles of beer per week as well as one and a half gallons of spirits and two dozen bottles of minerals; tobacco was also sold. The valuer noted: "Takings not revealed".
Following alterations [UDKP585] in 1931 the place was revalued, the valuer noting [DV1/X92]: " As before plus passage now used as servery, bars made slightly larger. New Ladies Lav and porch added to front. Rent now £42. Trade fallen off now only 2½ barrels, same bottles and 1 gallon of spirits per week. Say as tied rent high no increase. Trade falling probably because of tax. Tied rent increased but do not think capability increased. Leave at same".
The Wellington closed in 2010. In April 2012 planning permission was sought to convert the empty building into a Asian Evangelical church, however, at the time of writing [2013] thr property is still derelict.

The former Wellington May 2012
- CLP1: licence granted to James Manton: 1887;
- UDKP151: plan of additional club room: 1902;
- PSB9/1: register of licenses: 1903-1935;
- UDKP420: plans of alterations: 1923;
- UDKP585: plans of alterations: 1931;
- PSB9/2: register of licenses: c.1955-1995;
- WL722/96: mentioned in Charles Wells in-house magazine Pint Pot: 1998;
- WL722/99: feature and photograph about garden in Charles Wells in-house magazine Pint Pot: 1999
List of Licensees: note that this is not a complete list. Italics indicate licensees whose beginning and/or end dates are not known:
1887-1891: James Manton;
1901-1905: William Morris;
1905-1921: Joseph Rowlett;
1921-1922: Elizabeth Rowlett;
1922-1931: Charles Osborn White;
1931-1932: Joan Ellen White;
1932: John Barnes;
1940-1945: Mrs J E Barnes;
1947-1952 Edward Rayson White;
1955 Charles Arthur Talbot;
1965-1967: Richard Henry Rogers;
1967-1970: Peter James Gowans;
1970-1971: Malcolm Timothy Dazley;
1971-1972: John Patrick Cooke;
1972-1973: Christopher Noone;
1973-1975: George Leslie Allen;
1975-1992: Roy Robert Haines;
1992-1995: William Kerr
Public house closed in 2010