The Crown Inn Toddington

The Post Office 1 and 3 Market Square March 2016
The first record of the Crown Inn comes in a marriage settlement of 1676. On his marriage to Anne, the sister of Sir Thomas Penyston James Astrey settled on her as her marriage portion and jointure the Manor of Wadlowes together with other property including "a messuage or Inn called the Crown in Tuddington with a close near the same" [X732/22]. In 1681 a session of the Summer Assizes was held at the "Crone" in "Tuddington" [HSA1681/S/15].
In 1695 the Crown was sold by Sir James and Dame Anne Astrey to John and Elizabeth Sutton [BH70-71]. The description of the property given in the deed locates the Crown in Church Row between the Bell and the Cock. The Agas map of 1581 [X1/102] shows the property adjacent to the Bell to have been owned at that time by Raffe Astrey. In 1597 Wadlowes Manor was shared between the Astrey and Johnson families and it seems likely that the Astrey family acquired the Crown as part of the property of the Manor.
By 1717 the property was no longer in use as an inn and was referred to in a deed "the messuage formerly called the Crown" [BH73]. Since 1906 the modern property on this site has been the Post Office.
- X732/22: Hereditament of Wood End Estate, Harlington, 1676;
- HSA1681/S/51: sumemr assizes held at the Crown: 1681
- BH70-73: Deeds relating to the Crown, Toddington, 1695-1717