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Thurleigh Inhabitants in 1788

The first census of Great Britain was taken in 1801, though this and the following three censuses were all interested purely in numbers, names not being recorded until the census of 1841. A local census of Thurleigh was undertaken in 1788 and is held in the British Library. Bedfordshire and Luton Archive and Record Service has a transcription [ref: CRT130Thurleigh10]. The total number of inhabitants, 404, compares with 411 in 1801. M indicates males and F females.

Park End

Dickenson: 3M - 2F
Mrs Colegrave: 1M - 6F
S Davis: 2F
G. Gammond: 3M 4F
Clark: 3M 2F
Negus: 2M 2F
Hull: 1M 2F
Cockain: 3M 2F

Total: 16M 22F

Scald End

Ashpole: 3M 2F
Grey: 1F
Richard Ward: 3M 1F
Wells: 1M 2F
Elliot: 3M 2F
Walker: 1M 2F
Tinsley: 3M 3F
J Howkins: 2M 1F
J. Howkin: 3M 1F
Durdin: 2M 4F
Houghton: 1M 3F
Marshall: 4M 3F
Gillett: 2M 1F
M Smith: 4M 4F

Total: 32M 30F

Church End

Jo Mays: 1M 3F
Redman: 7M 4F
F Cave: 1M 2F
Busby: 3M 2F
Mr Cooper: 3M 4F
Oliver: 1M
H Wells: 1M 1F
Audley: 2M 1F
Long: 1M 1F
Shepherd: 3M 2F
Horrell: 4M 1F
J Gammon: 1M 1F
Bosingham: 2M 3F
Pain: 2M 2F
Smith: 2M 5F
Rowel: 2M 2F
Bull: 2M 2F
Elsom: 3M 1F
John Gammand: 2M 2F
Dorling: 3M 1F
Towns: 2M 3F
William Gale: 2M 1F
John Knight: 1M 1F
Goss: 2M 2F
John Tyler: 2M 3F
Mrs Ward: 8M 8F
Workhouse: 2M 7F

Total: 65M 65F

Cross End

Austin: 1M 1F
Richard Elson: 3M 4F
Edward Tyler: 3M 3F
Whiteman: 2M 1F
Hatton: 3M 2F
C Wood: 3M 1F
Darlow: 3M 3F
Peacock: 11M 3F
Wyant: 1F
Tysoe: 3M 2F
Goodwin: 3M 2F
Throssle: -

Total: 35M 23F

Whitwick End

Favel: 6M 3F
Fuller: 3M 2F
Swales: 5M 4F
Fosgate: 2F
Hills: 3M 1F
Falconer: 2M 3F
Briggs: 7M 6F
J Gale: 5M 3F

Total: 31M 24F

Flitwood End

Howkins senior: 3M 1F
Carter: 1M 2F
Simpson: 3F
Jeffries: 6M 3F
Haines: 2M 3F
Mrs Hawkes: 6M 5F

Total: 18M 17F

Backnoe End

no name: 1M 1F
J Shepherd: 2M 1F
Throsle: 3M 2F
Gillett: 4 M 1F
Tyler: 4M 2F
Freshwater: 2 M 3F

Total: 16 M 10F

Backnoe End: 16M 10F
Flitwood End: 18M 17F
Whitwick End: 31M 24F
Cross End: 35M 23F
Church End: 65M 65F
Scald End: 32M 30F
Park End: 16M 22F

Total: 213M 191F

Total: 404