Far Thatch Thurleigh
![The west elevation of Far Thatch in 1975 [BorB-TP-75-1448]](/CommunityHistories/Thurleigh/ThurleighImages/The west elevation of Far Thatch in 1975 [BorB-TP-.jpg)
The west elevation of Far Thatch in 1975 [BorB/TP/75/1448]
Far Thatch was listed by English Heritage in February 1997 as Grade II, of special interest. It dates from the later 16th century and originally comprised two bays, being extended by half a bay to the west uin the late 18th century when a second floor was probably inserted. The large modern extension dates to about 1975.
The original property is timber-framed, rendered and colour-washed. It has a thatched roof and a brick chimneystack between the original two bays. The gable end is one storey and attic. The entrance is now through the 20th century wing. The listing notes that the interior has an unusual survival - a 16th century timber fireplace. The rear room has a handsome late 18th century corner cupboard.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting Far Thatch [DV1/C88/20] found the cottage owned by A. Cave, owner of Park End Farm, though the cottage was not part of Park End Farm when it was sold in 1917. The tenant was W. Allen whose rent is unspecified. The cottage stood in just over a quarter of an acre and comprised two rooms upstairs and two down. There was also a barn, used as a loose box, another barn, a cart hovel and a further loose box. The valuer noted: “Bedrooms in Roof” and “Bad Position”. In 1975 application was made to alter and extend the property [BorBTP/75/1448]