9 and 11 Mill Road Thurleigh

9 and 11 Mill Road January 2015
This attractive pair of cottages was listed by English Heritage in August 1983 as Grade II, of special interest. They are not represented on the 1805 inclosure map for the parish and so must post-date it. They are timber-framed with colour-washed roughcast render and stand in a high brick plinth. Originally there were two cottages, each with two rooms downstairs and comprising one storey and attics beneath a thatched roof. The porch on the right-hand side is 20th Century.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 legislated that every piece of land and property in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting these cottages found that they were then in three separate tenancies and were all owned by the owner of Scald End Farm, T. Wagstaff. [DV1/C73/128-130].
The west end was occupied by W. Wrench who evidently worked for Wagstaff as he had "rent in wages". He occupied a parlour, a kitchen, a pantry and two bedrooms. In the centre was Mrs M Wrench who paid £3 per annum for a living room, a kitchen and one bedroom. On the east end was T. Gammons whose rent was £4 per annum for a parlour, a living room and two bedrooms.