Old Warden Church Architecture

Church from the west March 2008
It is likely that there was a church in Old Warden even before the oldest parts of the current Saint Leonard's church were built in the 12th century. The earliest mention of the church in a document is in 1135 when the advowson is noted as belonging to Warden Abbey. The building is made of brown cobblestones with limestone dressings, though some later work is in red brick or coursed limestone.

West tower arch March 2008
The earliest surviving part of the church is the 12th century base to tower and tower arch into the nave. The chancel belongs to the next century and the arch from chancel to nave is late 13th century. The nave appears to be 14th century, certainly it has 14th century windows (though with 15th century tracery), and a blocked 14th century doorway. The south aisle is of the same date and has a three arch arcade but has a 15th century three light east window. The font is also 14th century as is one of the bells.
Font March 2008