Clematis Cottage - 65 Station Road Tempsford

Clematis Cottage August 2016
Clematis Cottage was listed by English Heritage in November 1986 as Grade II, of special interest. It is believed to date from 18th century and is timber -framed with colour-washed roughcast render over it. The cottage has one storey and attics beneath a thatched roof. A one room, single storey and attic 19th century addition lies at the left-hand side - this has slates and clay tiles for a roof. There is a further addition at the rear, rendered and with a clay tiled roof. The entrance to the house is at the rear.
The Tempsford Estate was surveyed in 1829 and at that time Clematis Cottage was two dwellings owned, not by the estate, but by Charles Woods. The occupiers were John Cook and Richard Hardwick.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the property [DV1/C157/36-37] found that it was still two homes. The owner was E Lewin who lived in the west side, having a parlour and living room and three bedrooms above. A store,w ashhouse, stable, cart shed and hen roosts were all outside. Water came from a tap in the yard.
The other portion of the property was occupied by Mrs Cope at a rent of 2/6 per month. Her accommodation comprised a parlour, living room and one bedroom with a barn and shed outside. The valuer commented that the house as a whole was “very poor, right on road”.