73 and 75 High Street Harrold

73 and 75 High Street in 1962 [Z53/43/37]
73 and 75 High Street were listed by the former Department of Environment in 1984 as Grade II (of special interest). They were included "for group value" and were considered to be late 18th or early 19th century. They are built of red brick and have slate roofs - they are of two storeys.
In 1927 property in Harrold was valued under the Rating Valuation Act of 1925; every piece of land and building in the country had to be valued to determine the rates to be paid upon it. The valuer visiting Number 73 [DV1/C72/145] noted that the owner was John Charles Tusting, of Harrold House, and the occupier H.W.Pettit (Pettit & Company were noted in Kelly's Directory for 1928 as leather dressers and manufacturers - the photograph of 1962 [Z53/54/37 above] shows a sign outside saying "Eagle Works Harrold"). The house comprised a living room, parlour and scullery downstairs and two bedrooms above; a barn stood outside but here was no garden, nevertheless the valuer opined: "good cottage".
75 High Street [DV1/C72/146] was also owned by John Charles Tusting; but occupied by J.Manton on a life lease, the valuer stated: "not a true rent". It was, of course, similar to its neighbour, containing a living room, parlour, scullery, with three bedrooms above and a barn outside. The valuer remarked: "double front".
73 to 75 High Street in May 2008