21 to 27 Brook Lane Harrold

21 to 27 Brook Lane in 1962 [Z53/54/42]
This terraced row of cottages was listed by the former Department of Environment as Grade II (of special interest). They were considered to be 18th century and are built of coursed limestone rubble with slate roofs. The row stands gable end on to the road and numbers back from it - i.e. 27 is on the road, with 25 to the west etc. The cottages have two storeys and each has two windows up and down.
In 1927 property in Harrold was valued under the Rating & Valuation Act of 1925; every piece of land and building in the country had to be valued to determine the rates to be paid upon it. The valuer visiting the row [DV1/C70/107-110] noted that they were owned by Arthur Smith, with the occupiers thus: 21 Frederick Robinson; 23 Charles Robinson; 25 A.Coleman; 27 Arthur Smith.
Number 21 comprised a living room and kitchen downstairs with two bedrooms above and a barn, earth closet and "very small garden" outside.
Numbers 23 and 25 were identical and Number 27 was similar but with the addition of a small wooden kiosk for the sale of tobacco and sweets.
21 to 27 Brook Lane in June 2008