50 High Street Harrold

50 High Street in 1962 [Z53/54/28]
The former Department of Environment listed 50 High Street as Grade II (of special interest). It is the middle of a terrace of three (formerly four), all listed and was built in the late 18th or early 19th century. Like most of the older buildings in Harrold, it is built of coursed limestone rubble. At the time this had been lime and colour-washed though this has now [2008] been removed. Again at the time of valuation it had an asbestos tile roof, presumably this has been replaced with something else! The cottage is of two storeys.
In 1927 property in Harrold was valued under the Rating Valuation Act of 1925; every piece of land and building in the country had to be valued to determine the rates to be paid upon it. The valuer visiting 50 High Street [DV1/C71/31] noted that the owner was Mrs.Robinson and the occupier Frederick George Crouch, the village blacksmith. At that time the property was thatched. It comprised two living rooms, a kitchen and pantry downstairs, with three bedrooms above; there was a yard at rear, with a brick and corrugated iron washhouse, water came from a well; there was no garden. The valuer remarked: "Bad at back".

50 High Street in May 2008