19 Bury Road Shillington

19 Bury Road April 2015
At the time of writing [2015] 19 Bury Road is derelict. It was listed by English Heritage in February 1998 as Grade II, of special interest. It was formerly a pair of cottages and was built about 1830, tough altered in the 20th century. It is of timber-framed construction, externally rendered with pebbledash. The roof was formerly thatched "now with asbestos slate covering". The listing describes the interior as: "single room to each floor, linked by a plain winder stair. Simple surround with mantel shelf to each ground-floor hearth. Exposed slender timber-framing in attic storey".
The listing describes the history as follows: "at the time of the enclosure of Shillington (1817), the site of No. 19 Bury Road was undeveloped. Between 1801 and 1861, the population of the county doubled. The survival in relatively unaltered form of a dwelling built to accommodate rural workers, and which represents the final phase of the vernacular building traditions of an area is of special interest, as the level of survival of dwellings of this class and date is very poor nationally".
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting 19 Bury Road [DV1/C63/1] found it owned by Mrs Francis and occupied by F Ingram at £7 per annum rent. It contained a living room, a kitchen and two large bedrooms with a barn outside. The valuer commented: "was two cottages once".