135 and 137 High Road Shillington

135-137 High Road April 2015
135 and 137 High Road were listed by the Ministry of Works in January 1961 as Grade II, of special interest. The building dates from the 17th century and was "probably extended" in the 18th century. It has a timber-framed structure with colour-washed roughcast render and clay tile roofs. It is built in a T-plan extended westward towards the road. It has two storeys. A single-storeyed outbuilding (now converted to domestic use) lies to the south.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting the building [DV1/C62/32-34] found it divided into three parts, all owned by Lady of the Manor of Shillington, Mrs Handscombe. The rear was occupied by J Ansell who paid rent of £5 per annum for a living room, a scullery and two bedrooms as well as a barn outside. He also leased homestead buildings at Pump Farm for a further £63 per annum. These comprised a wood and tiled barn and wood and slate loose box, a granary, a loose box, a hen house, a cow house used as three loose boxes, a stable for three horses and a chaff barn. The farm comprised 33 acres, 2 roods and also included a house and a barn in a field.
The middle part of the house was occupied by G Davis who paid £4/10/- per annum in rent for a living room, a kitchen, a scullery and two bedrooms. His garden lay across the road. The front portion of the building was in occupation of A Ingram, whose rent was not disclosed but who had a living room, a scullery and two bedrooms.