6 Old Kiln Lane Clophill

6 Old Kiln Lane July 2010
6 Old Kiln Lane used to be numbers 4 and 5 Brickkiln Cottages - two semi-detached dwellings. The structure was listed by English Heritage in January 1985, by which time the two dwellings had become a single property. They considered the property to be 18th century. It has pebbledash render over a light timber frame with a thatched roof.
Originally there were two pairs of thatched cottages and another brick and tiled cottage which was known as 1 Brickkiln Cottages. They seem to have been built by the Manor of Clophill Hall which, in the late 17th century was in the hands of the Bruce family, Earls of Elgin and Ailesbury and, by 1770, was owned by Amabel, Lady Lucas, as part of the Wrest Park Estate.
Part of the Wrest Park Estate was sold at auction in 1919, the rest being sold in 1934. The sale particulars of 1919 [X940/1/3] note that 4 and 5 Brickkiln Cottages were occupied by Mrs. Peat (who had a life tenancy, having been born on 17th May 1864) and James Harris. Both renters paid three guineas per annum. Each dwelling comprised two rooms up and down with barns, earth closets and pigsties to each. All five cottages shared a single well. The other thatched pair, 2 and 3 had one room upstairs, two rooms and a pantry down, Number 1 had one room up and two down - each had a barn and an earth closet.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed as to its rateable value. Clophill was assessed in 1927. The valuer visiting 6 Old Kiln Lane (which was then 4 and 5 Old Kiln Lane) discovered that the building was two semi-detached cottages, both owned by J. Harris [DV1/C46/140-141].
Number 4 Kiln Lane was still occupied by Mrs. M. Peat who still paid three guineas per annum in rent. Her living accommodation comprised a living room and kitchen downstairs and two bedrooms above. The same accommodation was still enjoyed by James W. Harris next door who paid identical rent.
Both properties had a weather-boarded and tiled barn, brick and slate earth closet and disused weather-boarded and tiled pigsty outside. In addition Mrs. Peat had a brick building housing a copper. .