33 High Street Clophill

33 High Street March 2010
33 High Street used to be a shop. The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed as to its rateable value. Clophill was assessed in 1927. The valuer visiting 33 High Street [DV1/C46/42] found that it was owned and occupied by butcher George Palmer.
The brick and slate detached building comprised: a parlour; a living room; a kitchen and a weather-boarded and corrugated iron scullery downstairs. Four bedrooms lay above and two attics ("disused?") above them. A weather-boarded and corrugated iron earth closet stood outside.
The valuer made various comments: "Butcher's shop. Little used 12 x 14 feet 1 bay down. Cellar disused"; "Enormous back"; "awful situation"; "bad position" and "well built".
Directories show that Palmer had been in business since at least 1890. Kelly's Directory for Bedfordshire for 1928 is the last one to list his business. By the time of the next directory, 1931, he is no longer listed.