The Bluebell Public House Putnoe

The Bluebell, June 2017
The Bluebell Public House: 115 Putnoe Lane, Bedford
Sadly, Bedfordshire Archives has very little information about this modern pub. When opened in 1975 it was named the Clay Pot, owned by Watney Mann (Midlands), then Manns Northampton Brewery from 1977. It was taken over by the Most Group in 1988. A parial list of licensees [ref: PSB9/2-9/3] is as follows:
1975-1976: Richard John Vines;
1976-1979: Richard John Vines and James Edward Hill;
1979-1980: David Michael Collier;
1980-1982: David Anthony Bland;
1982-1983: Patrick Lawrence Russell;
1983-1985: Michael James Humphries;
1985-1986: Philip Bryn Rowlands;
1986-1988: Derek John Pashley;
1988-1989: Gordon McCaffery;
1989: Steven Cartwright;
1989-1991: David Griffiths;
1991-1992: Samuel McColl Shields;
1992-1995: Brendan James McGarrell and Arthur Hart