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The Three Horseshoes Public House Shefford

Three Horseshoes about 1910 - Z50-101-38
Three Horseshoes about 1910 [ref: Z50/101/38]

The Three Horseshoes Public House: 7 Northbridge Street, Shefford

Bedfordshire Archives does not have many records of this beerhouse. It seems to date back at least to 1847 when Richard Waller was noted as a beer seller in a directory, he is later identified as being licensee of the Three Horseshoes. The property was owned by the Feoffees of the Shefford Charity and, for at least part of its life, was leased to the Ampthill brewery of John and Joseph Morris. The public house closed in 1914.

3 to 9 Northbridge Street in 1834 [X465/322]
3 to 9 Northbridge Street in 1834 [ref: X465/322]

In 1834 the feoffees conducted a survey of their property. At that date 3 and 5 Northbridge Street were divided into four properties and were described in the same section as 7 and 9 Northbridge Street. The description [ref: X465/322] is as follows: "Six Tenements, Gardens, Yards, Barns, outhouses and appurtenances situate on the West side of Bedford Street [as Northbridge Street was then known]  in Shefford now in the occupation of Mr. William Carrington and William Barker or their undertenants and [blank] Kendall containing in the whole Twenty poles. Bounded on the north by other part of Lucas' Trust estate [11 Northbridge Street], next hereinafter decribed, on the east by Bedford Street aforesaid, on the south by a messuage of Messrs. Cooper and Arch, on part of the west by a lane in Shefford aforesaid called Duck Lane and on further part of the west by a Ditch running between the aforesaid premises and a meadow belonging to the Duke of Bedford".

3 to 9 Northbridge Street in 1871 [X465/323]
3 to 9 Northbridge Street in 1871 [ref: X465/323]

In 1871 the feoffees' properties were again surveyed and were now described [ref: X465/323] thus: ""Four Tenements, gardens, Yards, Barns, outhouses and Appurtenances situate on the West side of Bedford Street in Shefford now in the occupation of Mrs. Foster [9 Northbridge Street], Mr. Ansell [The Three Horseshoes], Mrs. Stapleton and Mr. North containing in the whole Twenty Poles. Bounded on the North by other part of Lucas' trust Estate [11 Northbridge Street] next hereinafter described, on the east by Bedford Street aforesaid, on the South by a Messuage of Mr. William Caton's, on part of the West by a lane in Shefford aforesaid called Duck Lane and on further part of the west by a ditch running between the aforesaid premises and a Meadow belonging to Mr. William Caton".

In 1927 the town of Shefford was valued under the Rating Valuation Act 1925; every building and piece of land in the country was assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. The valuer visiting 7 Northbridge Street noted [ref: DV1/C290/115] that it was occupied by a Mrs. J. Burnage and was "very poor". The building comprised a parlour, living room and kitchen downstairs, with three bedrooms above and two attics ["fair"] above that; a barn stood outside. Number 9 was similar.

The former Department of Environment listed both 7 and 9 Northbridge Street as Grade II, of special interest. It described them as 18th century colour washed brick over a 17th century timber frame, with a tiled roof. The former Three Horseshoes is today a private house.

List of Licensees: Note that this is not a complete list ; entries in italics refer to licensees where either beginning or end, or both, dates are not known:

1847-1861: Richard Waller;
1869-1878: William Ansell;
1878-1889: Eliza Ansell;
1891: William Henry Armour;
1891-1895: John Armour;
1895-1904: Alfred George Taylor;
1904-1905: Herbert William Blazier;
1905-1907: H.F.Palmer;
1907-1908: Jamieson Turner;
1908-1909: Abraham Dawson;
1909-1911: Zachariah Fox;
1911: George Ray;
1911-1912: Frederick William Stanley Smith;
1912-1913: Charlotte Helena Smith;
1913-1914: William Finch

Public house closed 26 Dec 1914.

 7 to 9 Northbridge Street January 2008
7 to 9 Northbridge Street, January 2008

List of sources at Bedfordshire Archives:

  • X465/322: Survey of Shefford Feoffees' properties: 1834;
  • X465/323: Survey of Shefford Feoffees properties: 1871;
  • HF143/1: Register of Alehouse Licences: 1872-1873;
  • HF143/2: Register of Alehouse Licences: 1874-1877;
  • HF143/3: Register of Alehouse Licences: 1878-1881;
  • HF143/4: Register of Alehouse Licences: 1882-1890;
  • HF143/5: Register of Alehouse Licences: 1891-1900;
  • X465/91: Correspondence regarding Three Horse Shoes including repairs, rent, tender, referral of licence and compensation: 1898-1915;
  • HF143/6: Register of Alehouse Licences: 1900-1914;
  • PSBW8/1: Register of Alehouse Licences: 1903-1915;
  • GK84/8: Printed Charity Commission scheme for Lucas' Charity noting Three Horseshoes held by Simpson and Company: 1904;
  • X465/22: Lease from Shefford Feoffees to Flitton Brothers: 1909;
  • Z50/101/38: General view of Northbridge Street showing Three Horseshoes: c.1910;
  • DV1/C290/115: Valuation: 1927