208 High Street Odell

208 High Street in May 2008
Like most of the parish 208 High Street, in Little Odell, formed part of the Odell Castle Estate until its sale in 1934. This means that evidence of the property's history from deeds before that date does not exist as there had been no need for them. It was listed by the former Department of Environment which described it as a 17th or early 18th century house, built, like most older properties in the area, of coursed limestone rubble. The house had, originally, a two room plan with a central back-to-back hearth. A narrower wing was later added to the north and a modern extension to it. The property is of one storey and attics and is thatched.
In 1927 Odell was valued under the terms of the Rating and Valuation Act 1925; every piece of land and building in the country was assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. The valuer visiting 208 High Street noted that it was then divided into two tenements 58 and 59 Little Odell. 58 was the southern portion of the main building, 59 the northern portion. The valuer summarised the two tenements thus:
- 58 Little Odell: occupied by G.Fermell at £6/10/- per annum rent; one living room; one kitchen; one scullery; two bedrooms; one thatched workshop ("very old"); two tile and thatched barns ("very old"); one tile and thatched pigsty ("very old");
- 59 Little Odell: occupier F.Clayson at £5 per annum rent; one living room; one kitchen; two bedrooms; "poor".
The Odell Castle Estate was put up for sale in 1934 and the sale catalogue [AD1147/19] described 58 and 59 Little Odell thus:
- 58: let to Mrs.Hawkins at £15 per annum; two bedrooms; two living rooms; a washhouse or pantry
- 59: let to Miss F.Clayson at £5 per annum; two bedrooms; two living rooms; a washhouse or pantry
- The yard and part of the buildings (presumably the part which projects east along the road) were let to W.G.Tye of 54 Little Odell [215 High Street] at £3/10/- per annum;
- Joint pump and well in garden.