15 Horsefair Lane Odell

15 Horsefair Lane May 2008
Like most of Odell 15 Horsefair Lane formed part of the Odell Castle Estate until its sale in 1934. This means that evidence of the property's history from deeds before that date does not exist as there had been no need for them. It was listed by the former Department of Environment as 13 and 15 Horsefair Lane. It was described as 17th or early 18th century in origin, modernised. It is built, like most of the older properties in the area, of coursed limestone rubble. the property has a thatched roof and comprises two storeys.
In 1927 Odell was valued under the terms of the Rating and Valuation Act 1925; every piece of land and building in the country was assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. The valuer visiting 15 Horsefair Lane noted that it was then two tenements called 33 and 34 The Village [DV1/C166/31-32]. He summed up each accommodation as follows:
- 33 The Village: occupier Mrs.L.Cooper at a rent of £4/4/- per annum; living room; kitchen; two bedrooms; "good garden" "a little better, roof higher but only two beds";
- 34 The Village: no tenant named, but £4 per annum rent; living room; two bedrooms; "small garden" "roof higher" "very small"
The Odell Castle Estate was put up for sale in 1934 and the sale catalogue [AD1147/19] described 33 and 34 The Village as standing in 2 roods 18 perches and being:
- 33 The Village: four rooms and a pantry let to George Hulatt at £9/2/- per annum;
- 34 The Village: three rooms and pantry let to F.Darlow at £4 per annum.