The Roxton Ringers

Roxton church March 2007
CRT130Rox2 is a photocopy of the printed rules of the Roxton Ringers' Club from 1867 which read as follows:
- Every member of this Club promises to attend regularly at Church.
- The members of the Club shall meet at the Church, for the purposes of practising Round and Change Ringing, once every fortnight.
- Every member of the Club shall contribute at least one half-penny per week towards a general fund for the benefit of the Ringers and their families, the contributions to be paid when assembling for practice.
- All the money obtained from Subscriptions or Donations of any kind to be paid to the Treasurer, and put to the General Fund. No Christmas Boxing.
- When the bells are rung for a Wedding, a portion of the money given, not exceeding 12 shillings, shall be divided among the four members who ring, in compensation for their day's work. Whatever remains after this, shall be paid into the General Fund.
- The funds to be deposited in the Treasurer's hands, and equally divided among the members at Christmas, in the form of tickets, either for provisions, coal, or clothing, as each member shall think best; but in no case given in money.
- The members of the Club shall undertake to perform the chiming of the bells on Sundays and other holy days, when there is Divine Service in the Church.
- Any member guilty of drunkenness, the use of profane language, or any other disgraceful conduct, to be liable to expulsion, at the discretion of the Clergyman and Churchwardens.