The Shelter Pulloxhill

The Shelter - the old Reading Room November 2011
The Shelter is a tiny building which stands in Orchard Road. It is built ov Victorian yellow brick and has a slate roof.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting The Shelter [DV1/C234/37] noted that it was occupied by L. Vass who paid two shillings per week rent. It was owned by the Reading Room Trustees.
The valuer obviously spoke to the Secretary, who was unhappy with the attitude of the parishioners. The valuer wrote: "This was the Reading Room but is now let in order to clear off the debt on the place. Labourers do not appreciate – Secretary bought billiard table – they ploughed it up and then brought cues to the Secretary to be re-tipped – he gave the table away. Secretary is of the opinion that they only live for pleasure and Jazzing about"
The structure then had a corrugated iron roof. It was "used as corn store and for grinding corn". Inside stood a Booths Patent Precision Wheat-cutting Machine driven by small Amanco engine.