Milton Ernest Population in 1788
The following is a list of families in Milton Ernest in 1788 [CRT130MiltonErnest13]. The number indicates a house (not bearing any relationship to modern numbering) followed by a name who is the head of household and the numbers after the name refer to the number of males and females in the family. The totals are: 57 houses and 63 families comprising 128 males and 155 females for a total of 283.
1. Coates Brown, 4M, 3F
2. D. Waldeck, 4M, 5F
3. George Odell, 5 M, 4F; James Odell 2 M, 2F
4. Elizabeth Grey, 0M, 2F
5. John Pearson, 1M, 1F; George Skinner 2M, 2F
6. Edward Hart, 2M, 3F
7. Almshouses, 1M, 9F
8. Dan Shrewsbury, 5M, 4F
9. [Parish] Workhouse, 3M, 5F
10. Parsonage
11. John Hall, 3M, 2F
12. James Gore, 2M, 5F
13. Solomon Whitney, 2M, 5F
14. James Brown, 4M, 2F
15. Waldeck
16. Francis Burkitt, 1M, 4F
17. William Wrench, 2M, 2F
18. Samuel Lilley, 1M, 5F; Jonathan Stock, 1M, 1F
19. Henry Knight, 1M, 1F
20. Thomas Freeman, 1M, 1F
21. Thomas Walduck, 3M, 5F
22. William [sic] Hartwell, 0M, 2F
23. Mr. Ward, 5M, 3F
24. Mr. Boyden, 2M, 5F
25. Sparkes, 2M, 3F
26. Samuel Hart, 2M, 1F
27. Matthew Long, 2M, 3F
28. William Swain, 1M, 4F
29. J. Ramsden, 1M, 1F
30. James Hart, 6M, 4F
31. George Pain, 1M, 2F; “G. W. and J. R. and Teedon”, 3M, 0F
32. John Douglas, 1M, 2F
33. Edward Griggs, 2M, 2F
34. Mary Adams, 0M, 1F
35. Richard Foster, 2M, 2F
36. Thomas Davis, 4M, 2F
37. John Pool, 2M, 1F
38. Robert Taylor, 1M, 1F
39. William Hart, 1M, 2F
40. Robert Peat, 1M, 1F
41. Manning Brown, 3M, 1F
42. Thomas Peck, 2M, 2F
43. Long, 5M, 3F
44. Legar, 4M, 3F
45. William Baxter, 2m, 2F
46. Clerk Brown, 4M, 1F
47. H. Hart, 1M, 4F
48. Thomas Mastings, 1M, 1F
49. John Mount, 2M, 1F; George Church, 1M, 1F
50. Richard Ward, 1M, 1F
51. Ann Ball, 3M, 4F
52. William Drage, 1M, 4F
53. Mrs. Adams, 0M, 5F
54. Robert Burling, 1M, 1F
55. Henry Dolton, 1M, 1F
56. John Hart, 2M, 1F
57. Mr. Barnard, 5M, 5F