Sources for Education in Elstow
The following list gives all the sources relating to education in Elstow held by Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Records Service. Due to the terms of the Data Protection Act records containing personal details of living individuals will be closed in total, or in part, depending on the nature of the information.

Elstow Abbey from the east September 2007
Early Education
- W849: report on the schools in Elstow: 1802;
- P128/8/1: reference in a vestry minute book to new school buildings: 1870.

The former Elstow Lower School September 2007
Elstow Board/Council/County Primary/Lower School
- CDE101/1-4: plans for Elstow Board School: c. 1873;
- SB15/11: Elstow School Board minute book: 1873-1889;
- SB15/14: Elstow School Board letter book: 1873-1903;
- SB15/10: Elstow School Board bye-laws: c. 1873;
- SDElstow1/1: logbook: 1874-1893;
- SB15/1: conveyance of land from Samuel Whitbread to Elstow School Board: 1874;
- SB15/25: Mortgage loan from the Public Works Loan Committee to Elstow School Board: 1874;
- SB15/6: Mortgage loan from the Public Works Loan Committee to Elstow School Board: 1875;
- SB15/12: Elstow School Board minute book: 1889-1903;
- SB15/13: Elstow School Board financial statements: 1892-1898;
- SDElstow1/2: logbook: 1893-1903;
- SDElstow2/1: admission register: 1895-1922;
- Bedfordshire Magazine Volume XVIII page 234: photograph of the infants’ class: c. 1900;
- SB15/9: report by the Clerk of Elstow School Board to Bedfordshire County Council: 1903;
- SDElstow1/3: logbook: 1903-1919;
- E/TE5/1: details of teachers: 1904-1908;
- CTM17/38: loan for enlargement of the school: 1905;
- E/TE5/2: details of teachers: 1908-1912;
- E/IN1/1: inspector’s reports for the school: 1911-1933;
- SDElstow1/4: logbook: 1919-1941;
- SMM7: school managers’ minutes: 1922-1974;
- SDElstow2/2: admission register: 1922-1949;
- CTM17/79: mortgage: 1927;
- CTM17/102: mortgage: 1930;
- Z160/571: programme of May Festival: 1933;
- Z274/117: photograph of the senior class: 1935;
- E/SA4/2/4: correspondence between the LEA and the school: 1937-1939;
- SDElstow6/1: syllabus and record book: 1938-1939;
- SDElstow6/2: syllabus and record book: 1940-1941;
- SDElstow1/5: logbook: 1942-1974;
- SDElstow6/3: syllabus and record book: 1942-1943
- SDElstow4/1: attendance register: 1943-1948;
- SDElstow6/4: syllabus and record book: 1943-1944;
- SDElstow3/1/1-17: attendance registers: 1944-1949;
- SDElstow6/6: syllabus and record book: 1944-1945;
- SDElstow6/5: syllabus and record book: 1945;
- SDElstow6/7: syllabus and record book: 1945-1946;
- SDElstow6/8: syllabus and record book: 1945-1946;
- SDElstow6/9: syllabus and record book: 1945-1946;
- SDElstow6/10-12: syllabus and record books: 1946-1947;
- RDBP3/777A: plans for dining room and kitchen: 1947;
- SDElstow6/13-20: syllabus and record book: 1947-1948;
- SDElstow6/21-30: syllabus and record book: 1948-1949;
- SDElstow5/1: punishment book: 1948-1965;
- SDElstow2/3: admission register: 1949-1996;
- E/IN1/2: inspector’s reports on the school: 1950-1957;
- CA8/247: buildings maintenance file: 1964-1976;
- CA2/82: alterations to form a Craft Centre: 1966;
- CA2/195: school and craft centre access road file: 1970;
- SDElstow1/6: logbook: 1974-1988;
- SMM38/1: reports to managers: 1975-1980;
- CA8/923: buildings maintenance file: 1976-1984;
- CA2/856: building alterations file: 1977-1980;
- E/CU4/5/1: organisation to celebrate Pilgrim’s Progress tercentenary: 1977-1980;
- CA10/31: stonework repairs: 1980-1981;
- E/TE3/4: return of teaching staff: 1981;
- E/TE2/2/M/13: details of the school: 1984;
- E/PM6/2/4: school opposition to the abolition to corporal punishment: 1985-1986;
- E/TE3/7: return of teaching staff: 1986;
- E/MS3/2/2: kitchen and other details: c. 1987;
- E/Pu4/4/101: school prospectus: 1995;
- HT13/2/2: Harpur Trust grant to the school library: 1997.

Abbey Middle School, Elstow September 2007
Abbey Middle School
- Z55/1/25-26: photographs of the site prior to building work: c. 1950s;
- SDElstowAbbey1/1: logbook: 1958-1987;
- Abbey School, Elstow. The Early Years photographs and press cuttings: 1958-1998;
- SGM17: governors’ minutes: 1957-1973;
- CA2/115: file on school extensions: 1962-1966;
- CA2/593: land drainage of the playing fields: 1966;
- CA8/255: buildings maintenance file: 1966-1975;
- CA2/378: file on the swimming pool: 1973-1976;
- CA8/720: buildings maintenance file: 1975-1981;
- E/TE3/2: return of teaching staff: 1981;
- E/TE3/7: return of teaching staff: 1986;
- E/MS3/2/2: kitchen and other details: c. 1987;
- E/TE2/2/M/13: details of the school: 1987;
- CC/HS3/3/1: inadequate ventilation in the craft design technology area: 1987;
- E/ME4/2/2: notes on approach to multicultural education at the school: 1988-1989;
- E/Pu4/4/35: school prospectus: 1995;
- Z923/4/52: poster for musical ‘Gainst All Disaster at the school: 1996.