Elstow Maps
To see a larger version of each map please click on the relevant image.

Part of an estate map of Elstow Manor of 1767 [X1/6/1]

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 1st edition map showing the northern part of the village - 1884

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 1st edition map showing the southern part of the village - 1884

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 1st edition map showing the area around Pear Tree Farm - 1884

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 2nd edition map showing the northern part of the village - 1901

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 2nd edition map showing the southern part of the village - 1901

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 2nd edition map showing the area around Pear Tree Farm - 1901

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 3rd edition map showing the northern part of the village - 1926

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 3rd edition map showing the southern part of the village - 1926

Ordnance Survey 25 inches to the mile 3rd edition map showing the area around Pear Tree Farm - 1926