28 Bunyans Mead Elstow

28 Bunyan's Mead February 2012
28 Bunyans Mead was listed by English heritage in May 1984 as Grade II, of special interest. It bears a circular plaque saying "S.W. 1796". This indicates that Samuel Whitbread, Lord of the Manor, carried out work to the cottage in that year. He did not build it but re-fronted an earlier building. The cottage is constructed from colour washed rough cast over a timber frame and has a clay tiled roof. It is built in a T-shape.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. Like most of the county, Elstow was assessed in 1927 and the valuer visiting the property [DV1/C33/29] found that it was still owned by the Whitbread family.
The tenant was Edward Cooper who paid rent of £20 per annum. His accommodation comprised two living rooms, a kitchen, three bedrooms, a brick and tiled workshop and garage with a loft over measuring 17 feet by 35 feet. There was also a timber and tiled barn measuring 31 feet by 24 feet, an army hut measuring 15 feet by 28 feet, a small shed and a lean-to. The valuer commented: “outbuildings very dilapidated” also “very rough buildings” and “poor lot”.