Battlesden Church Haunting

Church interior looking west January 2007
The Reverend Wenham, on a visit to Bedfordshire Record Office, in December 1969 revealed that the church was said to be haunted. A boy playing the organ in the church had seen a monk in a brown habit with blue eyes and ginger hair and the verger and a helper, on the same occasion, had seen a man in a brown overcoat, as they had thought, leaving the church. The nearest monks were at Woburn Abbey and they were Cistercians, with a white habit indicating that this "monk" must have been a lay brother, or some wandering friar, or a past rector who might have belonged to an Order.
A member of Bedfordshire and Luton Archives and Records Service had an unnerving experience in this church in 2000 when experiencing a sudden very cold sensation on the back of the neck, as if breathed upon by something from beyond the grave; on rational examination, however, it proved only to be the wind through the large keyhole of the door! However, this same member of staff, on a later visit with their young son, whilst feeling nothing themselves, observed their child cry unhappily and try to hide in a corner as soon as they entered the church...