Church End House Eversholt

Church End House February 2016
Church End House lies to the right of a narrow path leading from the main road to Eversholt School. It was listed in March 1987 by English Heritage as Grade II, of special interest. The house was formerly a row of cottages and is judged to have its origins on the 16th century with alterations running on into the 18th century.
The building has a timber-framed structure “substantial in parts”. The ground floor has been cased in colour-washed brick and the first floor in colour-washed render. There is a clay tiled roof and the house comprises two storeys.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting Church End House [DV1/C131/135-136] found that it was owned by H Harris, a departure from the norm in Eversholt, which was ownership by the Duke of Bedford. The larger part was occupied by Ernest Biles, whose rent was £2/10/- per quarter. The property formed round a yard and comprised three living rooms, a scullery, a store room, a cellar and three bedrooms with a separate barn. The valuer commented: “Very poor, eaves very low”. A small tenement at the north east end of the narrow passage leading from the school was tenanted by J Henderson for 2/9 per week and comprised a living room, a scullery and two bedrooms with a wood shed and earth closet outside.

Church End House looking towards the school September 2016