41 Old Road Linslade

41 Old Road October 2008
41 Old Road was sold by auction in 1905 [BML10/44/40]; it had belonged, with a good number of other premises, to Samuel Tavener, who had died. It was described as: "All that DWELLING HOUSE and GROCER'S SHOP, Situate and being Number 41 Old Road, Linslade, Brick-built with Slated Roof, containing the following accommodation: -
- On the First Floor: - Two Bedrooms. Sitting Room. Box Room.
- On the Ground Floor: - Well-fitted Shop. Sitting Room. Wash-house or Kitchen.
- In the Basement: - Two Cellars.
There is a separate side or private entrance. At the rear is small Yard with Pump, Earth Closet and Ashpit. This Lot has a frontage of 22 feet to Old Road, and was in occupation of the late Mr.Joseph Lane, until his death, where he carried on a lucrative trade".
The lot was sold to Thomas Lane, son, as the 1901 census shows, of the late Mr.Joseph Lane. The 1901 census lists the following occupants:
- Joseph Lane, 73, widower, grocer, born in Linslade;
- Thomas W.W.Lane, son, 28, grocer's assistant, born in Linslade;
- Sarah M.Lane, daughter, 34, domestic housekeeper, born in Linslade
Kelly's Directories list the following occupiers of 41 old Road:
1911-1920: Joseph William Piper, grocer;
1931: William A.Wetherilt, grocer;
1939: George Marshall grocer.