Rose Cottage - 11 Oakley Road Bromham
![Rose Cottage in 1962 [Z53/21/22]](/CommunityHistories/Bromham/Bromhamimages/Rose Cottage in 1962 [Z53-21-22].jpg)
Rose Cottage in 1962 [Z53/21/22]
Rose Cottage was listed by English Heritage in August 1987 as Grade II, of special interest. The cottage dates from the 18th century and is built from colourwashed roughcast over a timber frame, having a thatched roof. The original cottage stood gable end on to the road and had just two rooms downstairs with beds in the attics. A rear wing was added in the 19th century to form a T-shaped plan. A modern single storey extension has been added to the west.
The cottage formed part of the Bromham Hall Estate and was due to be put up for sale by auction along with a large slice fo the rest of the estate in 1924 [AD1147/4]. On 19th February 1927 Molivers Farm was put up for sale by auction and included Rose Cottage indicating that Benjamin Howkins of Molivers Farm had also bought Rose Cottage in 1924. The sale particulars, identical to those of 1924, were as follows [AD1147/3]:
On 19th February 1927 the cottage was put up for sale by auction [AD1147/3]. It the formed part of Molivers Farm and had previously been part of the Bromham Hall Estate. The sale particulars read as follows:
Situate in the Parish of Bromham and adjoining Molivers Farm, and consisting of
Approached from the Oakley Road through a pair of folding gates, and containing Porch, Passage, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen, Pantry, Scullery with sink and pump, and Four Bedrooms. Outside E. C. Pretty Flower Garden, and Good Kitchen Garden. Well Water.
Near to is a Range of Buildings consisting of Trap House, with loft over, Stable for Two, two Hen Houses, Office, Wash House with Copper and Sink, Pigsty etc.
In addition there is a
Well Stocked Pasture Orchard
Having a Long Frontage to Oakley Road, the whole covering an area of
1.931 acres
Let to Mrs. Harrison’s Representatives, on a Quarterly Tenancy, at a rental of
£25 per annum
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting Rose Cottage after the sale in 1927 [DV1/C3/92] found that it had been purchased by Miss F. Harrison. The tenant was L. Scott-Cooper who paid £25 per annum rent, a figure fixed in 1913 and which included a 1.647 acre orchard with a few hen houses nearby. Directories show that since at least 1914 the tenant had been a Mrs. Harrison, presumably the mother of the woman who bought the place in 1927. The valuer confirmed: “Sold 19th February 1926 [sic] for £900”
The cottage comprised two parlours, a kitchen, a pantry and four bedrooms. Water came from a pump and a barn and earth closet stood outside. Also outside were a two stall stable used as a store, a wood and thatched store, a lumber room and a hen house. The valuer summed up: “Nice little place”. Another hand has added that a wood and tiled barn or garage measuring 9 feet by 22 feet and a wood and tiled garage measuring 18 feet 6 inches by 17 feet 3 inches were later added.
By 1930 the owner was G. Frost and he submitted a planning application for a new block of four stables in that year [RDBP1/1481]. Other applications were made in 1987 to rebuild the kitchen [BorBTP/87/1799] and to demolish and rebuild an extension [BorBTP/87/1800/LB].
Kelly’s Directory for Bedfordshire was published every few years. The last two editions ever published for the county, 1936 and 1940 show Augustin Ivor Dunn living at the property.