54-62 The Avenue Bletsoe

54 to 62 The Avenue October 2009
The terrace comprising 54-62 The Avenue was listed by English Heritage in August 1987 as Grade II, of special interest. The houses are late 18th century built of colour-washed plaster over a light timber frame on a brick plinth with old, clay tiled roofs. The plan is arranged in three pairs, each around double sided hearth, with two rooms downstairs, and two upstairs.
The terms of the Rating and Valuation Act 1925 required every piece of land and building in the country to be valued to determine its rateable value. Most of Bedfordshire was valued in 1927. The valuer visiting the row [DV1/C106/17-22] noted that they were, like almost everywhere else in the parish, owned by Lord Saint John. Today's Number 56 is two cottages knocked into one but in 1927 there were still six separate dwellings. The valuer began at today's Number 54 and worked north-eastwards up the row and the details were as follows:
- A plaster and thatch building; the occupier was J. Jacques, paying £2/12/- per annum rent for a living room and kitchen downstairs and two bedrooms above; out side were a barn and a washhouse;
- A plaster and slate building; the occupier was R. P. Brown who occupied a living room and kitchen downstairs with two bedrooms above, with a barn and washhouse outside;
- C. White occupied a living room and pantry downstairs and two bedrooms above;
- Miss K. Wells paid £2/10/- per year for occupying a living room downstairs and two bedrooms above in a plaster and tiled structure;
- W. Armstrong paid £2/10/- per annum for a downstairs living room and two bedrooms above in plaster and tiled structure;
- F. Curtis paid £2/10/- per annum for a plaster and tiled dwelling comprising a living room downstairs and two bedrooms above.