2-3 Oldway Bletsoe

2-3 Oldway September 2009
2-3 Oldway was listed by English Heritage in August 1987 as Grade II, of special interest. The listing description states that it is a house of about 1500 in origin with several later building periods up to late 17th century and then a small 19th century rear extension. It is built of coursed limestone rubble, partly replacing timber framing, the remaining timber frame being in-filled with colour-washed plaster. The building has ironstone quoins and coping on the gable end facing The Avenue. The house has an old clay tile roof, with thatch on a small extension.
The plan of the house develops in at least five phases commencing with an
open hall. Within this one side of a smoke bay survives having had a one
sided stone chimney inserted, later this was given a second side back-to-back, and an early red brick ridge stack.
The terms of the Rating and Valuation Act 1925 required every piece of land and building in the country to be valued to determine its rateable value. Most of Bedfordshire was valued in 1927. The valuer visiting the building found that, like most of the rest of the parish, it was owned by Lord Saint John. The property was then divided into three, the way the property was divided up not being clear from the annotated map (see below). One part [DV1/C106/39] was tenanted by T. Robinson who occupied a living room downstairs and two bedrooms above, a woodbarn lay outside. Another portion was a home rented by A. T. Holland for 3/9 a week [DV1/C106/40]. This contained a parlour and living room downstairs with two bedrooms above, a washhouse standing outside. The final portion of the property [DV1/C106/41], was rented by W. Crane and consisted merely of a living room downstairs and a bedroom upstairs. The valuer noted "not at home", perhaps with so small a home he stayed out a lot.

The properties in Oldway annotated for the 1927 rating valuation