63 to 67 West Hill Aspley Guise

63 to 67 West Hill July 2010
West Hill has a number of short, 19th century terraces for workers as well as grander houses. 63 to 67 is, like 31 to 35, one of these. The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed as to its rateable value. Aspley Guise was assessed in 1927. The valuer visiting 63 to 67 West Hill found that each cottage was owned by a different individual.
63 West Hill was owned by James Billington and was in the occupation of George Frederick White, who paid six shillings per week rent [DV1/C141/132]. George was a leading member of the Rifle Club and the Bowls Club in the village and worked for Aspley Guise builder Charles Sinfield as a carpenter. The house comprised a living room, kitchen, scullery and washhouse with three bedrooms above. A barn and a w. c. stood outside. The valuer noted that mains water and drainage were laid on. There is no mention of gas but as late as the 1970s this house still had its outdoor w. c. and had no electricity, being lit by gas lamps.
65 West Hill [DV1/C141/133] was owned and occupied by S. Lees. It comprised two living rooms, a kitchen and scullery downstairs and three bedrooms. A w. c. and barn stood outside. Again mains water and drainage were laid on, as they were to 67 West Hill, called Kenilworth, owned and occupied by Miss Diemer [DV1/C141/134]. Gas was also laid on to this cottage which had a living room, kitchen and scullery and three bedrooms above. Again, a barn and w. c. stood outside.