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51 and 53 Village Road Bromham

51 and 53 Village Road March 2012
51 and 53 Village Road March 2012

51 and 53 Village Road were built by the Bromham Hall Estate. When a large slice of the estate was put up for sale by auction in 1924 both homes were included in the sale. The sale particulars [AD1147/4] for Number 53 read as follows:

LOT 36


Occupying a Commanding Corner Position at the junction of Grange Lane and Bromham Village Street, in the Parish of Bromham.

It contains Three Bedrooms upstairs, and Living Room, Kitchen and Pantry downstairs. Outside Shed and E. C. Good Gardens. The Area being about

.144 of an Acre

Let to Mr. G. F. Collins, on a Quarterly Tenancy, at a rental of

£5 per annum

The description of Number 51 was as follows

LOT 37


Of similar accommodation

Area .148 of an Acre.

Let to Mrs. Mortimer on a Quarterly Tenancy, at a Rental of

£4 18s. 0d. per annum

The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every building and piece of land in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. The valuer visiting these two properties [DV1/C3/37-38] found that 51 was now owned as well as occupied by Mrs. G. Mortimer. It was noted as being “The Old Post Office”, the post office at the time was at 74 Village Road. The valuer commented: “Good Cottage”.

Number 53 was now owned by 53. Mrs. Woodham and in the occupation of E. C. Flute who paid rent of 4/3 per week, £11/1/- per annum, a considerable increase on Collins’ rent in 1924. The valuer commented: “fetch water from well in Lane 200 yards pay £1 for it”. It was, he considered a : “Good Cottage”, though there were: “Some old sheds at rear, neglect”. He also commented: “Honeysuckle”.