Ravensden School, 1969 onwards

The school as built in 1969 (Z284/3/46c)
In 1978 as part of Bedfordshire County Council’s move to a three tier system the school was reclassified as a Lower School and began the education of local children aged 5 to 9. At 9 children moved onto the Middle School for the area located at Great Barford.
Between 2004 and 2012 planning applications were made for various extensions and alterations to the school including the building of a detached pre-school and staff room.
Since 2016 schools in Bedford Borough have been moving to a two tier system and under this restructure Ravensden Lower became Ravensden C of E Voluntary Aided Primary School taking students aged 2 to 11.
On the 31st December 2020 The Ravensden C of E Voluntary Aided Primary school closed as the school converted to academy status as the Ravensden C of E Primary Academy.