Ravensden Index of Pages
The following pages are designed to give a brief history of some aspects of the community. They are certainly not intended to be exhaustive and more work could be done, for example, on the interesting buildings with reference to census returns, electoral registers and name searches for owners and/or occupiers amongst our other archives, or on churches with reference to the parish records. We hope that reading these pages will encourage you to do more research of your own. If you find additional information on any of the pages below or, indeed, information on aspects of the community not covered here, we would love to hear from you and could publish your research here, giving credit, of course, where it is due!
The Parish of Ravensden
Timeline of Events in Ravensden
Mills of Ravensden
Ravensden War Memorial
Ravensden Village Hall
Ravensden Feast
The Agnes Martin Charity (later Ravensden Town and Poor Estate Charity)
Morinsbury Manor
Ravensden Manor
Ronhale Manor
Tilwick Manor
Trailly's Manor
Medieval Ravensden
Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
Ravensden People
Reverend Timothy Matthews
Morin Family
Sunderland Family
Wagstaff Family
Wythes Family
Other family names important to the village of Ravensden are Stanton, Harper, Horrell, (James Horrell was Parish Clerk for 57 years) Bishop, (William Bishop was Headmaster of the School for 28 years and Churchwarden for 22 years), Fensome, Carter, Peacock and Wiles.
All Saints Church
All Saints Church Architecture
Vicars of Ravensden
Ravensden Vicarages
Registration and Early References in Ravensden
Zion Baptist Chapel
Education in Ravensden up to 1867
Ravensden School 1867-1904
Ravensden School in 1904
Ravensden School 1904-1969
Ravensden School 1969 onwards
The School Master's House
Sources for Education in Ravensden
Interesting Buildings
April, Hillcrest and Twisden Cottages
Church Farm (also known as Church End Farm)
Harper Cottages
Lower Grange (or The 'New' Grange)
Oak Cottage
The Old Grange
Ravensden House
The Water Tower
Licensed Premises
Blacksmith's Arms
The Case is Altered
Horse & Jockey (formerly Horse & Groom)
White Lion (now the Old White Lion)