Rules and Catalogue of Little Barford Parish Library

The south vestry February 2010
The following is a transcription of the rules and catalogue of Little Barford Parish Library of 1890 [X67/698]
Any person may become a member by paying One Penny a month, due on the first Sunday in the month.
Only one Book at a time may be taken out.
Books may be taken out of the Library in the vestry, or exchanged any Sunday Afternoon, after Service.
Any member not returning a Book within the proper time, incurs a finr of One Penny.
Members are requested not to tear or soil the Books.
A printed List of the Books may be had of the Rector, price One Penny.
1. Waverley
2. Guy Mannering
3. Antiquary
4. Rob Roy
5. Old Mortality
6. Black Dwarf
7. Heart of Midlothian
8. Bride of Lammermoor
9. Ivanhoe
10. The Monastery
11. The Abbott
12. Kenilworth
13. The Pirate
14. Fortunes of Nigel
15. Peveril of the Peak
16. Quinten Durward
17. St. Ronan's Well
18. Redgauntlet
19. The Betrothed
20. The Talisman
21. Woodstock
22. Fair Maid of Perth
23. Anne of Geirstein
24. Count Robert of Paris
25. Surgeon's Daughter
26. Good Words for 1869
27. Good Words for 1870
28. Good Words for 1871
29. Good Words for 1872
30. Good Words for 1874
31. Good Words for 1879
32. Good Words for 1880
33. Good Words for 1881
34. Good Words for 1882
35. Penny Post for 1868
36. Penny Post for 1869
37. Penny Post for 1870
38. Penny Post for 1873
39. Penny Post for 1874
40. Penny Post for 1870
41. Penny Post for 1880
42. Penny Post for 1881
43. Penny Post for 1882
44. New and Old for 1881
45. New and Old for 1882
46. New and Old for 1883
47. New and Old for 1884
48. New and Old for 1885
49. New and Old for 1886
50. New and Old for 1887
51. New and Old for 1889
52. Gospeller for 1884
53. Gospeller for 1885
54. Gospeller for 1886
55. Gospeller for 1887
56. Gospeller for 1888
57. Gospeller for 1889
58. Dawn of Day for 1878
59. Dawn of Day for 1879
60. Dawn of Day for 1880
61. Dawn of Day for 1881
62. Dawn of Day for 1882-3
63. Dawn of Day for 1883-4
64. Dawn of Day for 1886-7
65. Peter the Whaler
66. The three Lieutenants
67. A true Hero
68. Self Help, by Smiles
69. Children of Cloverley
70. Fishers of Derby Haven
71. Ferns Hollow
72. Hilda
73. Barthel Winkler
74. Vicar of Wakefield
75. My first Voyage
76. Our little Ann
77. Nothing to Nobody, by Brenda
78. Derry
79. Especially Those, by Brenda
80. Lost Gip, by Hesba Stretton
81. Tom Brown's School Days
82. Plain Words I
83. Plain Words II
84. On Honours Roll
85. Barham Tracts
86. Magnet Stories
87. Magnet Stories
88. Magnet Stories
89. Natural History of the Bible
90. Robinson Crusoe
91. History of British Fishes
92. Short Stories on English History
93. Castle Cornet
94. Owen Hartley
95. Harry Waters
96. Stories on Church Going
97. Brave Dame Mary
98. Travel and Adventure
99. Thoughts on the Bible
100. The Two Voyages
101. Life of Bishop Patteson
102. Ventures of Faith
103. Eldad the Pilgrim
104. Hatty and Nellie
105. Bible Places
106. Kennerby Village
107. Christian Mission before the Reformation
108. Can we believe in Miracles
109. Christian Fathers
110. Reading for the People
111. Travels by Land and Sea
112. Sunshine Bill
113. Perseverance
114. On the Care of Health
115. Water
116. Food
117. Winifred Leigh
118. Stories for Saints' Days
119. Parish Church, a simple explanation of Symbolism
120. Winnie's Difficulties
121. Tales for Sunday Scholars
122. Stories of the Norsemen
123. Tales and Allegories
124. Life in the Walls
125. Life Underground
126. The Errand Boy
127. Harry's Battles
128. Modesty and Conceit
129. Conversations after Church
130. The Two Courtships
131. Evenings at Beechwood
132. Tales of Military Life
133. Motherless Maggie
134. Tales for Mission Rooms
135. A Suffolk Boy in Africa
136. Handy Book of Bees
137. The Two Shipmates
138. The Hoosier Schoolmaster
139. The End of the World
140. Charlie Burton
141. Guide to the Parish Church, by Hervey Goodwin
142. Sunday 1887
143. Children's Prize 1863
144. Sunshine 1881
145. Fairy know a bit
146. Child of the Cavern
147. South Sea Whaler
148. Children's Isle
149. Chronicle of the Schonberg Cotta Family
150. Willie Heath
151. John Denton's friends
152. Bad Boy's diary
153. Live Toys
154. Taking Tales
155. On March
156. Patience Strong's Outings
157. Life's Work
158. Haunted Hearts
159. Boy with an Idea
160. Harry Hope's holidays
161. Letters from an unknown Friend
162. Our Sailors
163. The Boat Club
164. The White Scalper
165. Blanche Gamond
166. Madge
167. Wandering May
168. Nobody loves me
169. Joseph Rudge Kingston
170. The Mission
171. The Hero
172. Framed
173. Rose Ann Kate
174. Trottie's Book
175. The Gleaners
176. Life of Sarah Martin
177. Ellen the Teacher
178. Life of Sister Rosalie
179. Lonely Lily
180. Laddie
181. Theodore - Crusader
182. Good Grandmother
183. Isaac Gould
184. The Pemberton Family
185. Chasing the Sun
186. Florence Arnot
187. The Tiger City
188. Rachel Johnson
189. Patsey's first Glimpse of Heaven
190. Uncle Tom's cabin
191. The Pentateuch, O. T.
192. Historical Books
193. Poetical Books
194. The Four Gospels, N. T.
195. Acts, Epistles and Revelations
196. Girl's Own Paper, 1880
197. Girl's Own Paper, 1881
198. Girl's Own Paper, 1882
199. Girl's Own Paper, 1883
200. Girl's Own Paper, 1884
201. Girl's Own Paper, 1885
202. Girl's Own Paper, 1886
203. Girl's Own Paper, 1887
204. My Sunday Friend 1878
205. My Sunday Friend 1879
206. My Sunday Friend 1880
207. My Sunday Friend 1882