73 Tilsworth Road Stanbridge
![Dockrills 73 Tilsworth Road about 1930](/CommunityHistories/Stanbridge/Stanbridgeimages/Z1130-108 Dockrills 73 Tilsworth Road about 1920.jpg)
Dockrills 73 Tilsworth Road about 1930 [Z1130/108]
73 Tilsworth Road, also known as Dockrills, was listed by the former Department of Environment as Grade II, of special interest. It is a 17th century building, of timber-framed construction with colour-washed brick nogging. It has two storeys and a clay tile roof; the casements are modern.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 ordered every piece of land and building in the country to be assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. Stanbridge was assessed in 1927. The valuer visiting 73 Tilsworth Road [DV1/C97/112-113] noted that the building was in two tenements, both were owned by J.Dockrill, who lived in one, the other being vacant. At that date the roof had corrugated iron over thatch, not uncommon at the time.
The larger tenement comprised a living room, kitchen, scullery and store place downstairs with two bedrooms above. A small greenhouse measuring 9 feet by 6 feet ("poor, neglect") stood outside along with a weather boarded and corrugated iron henhouse, a meal house, a coal barn, two henhouses, a scratching shed and another henhouse. The valuer commented "was two cottages" (in other words the modern 73 Tilsworth Road must once have been a row of three); he also noted: "very nice".
The adjoining tenement comprised just a living room and bedroom. Not surprisingly, the valuer noted: "very small". It was "occasionally let, furnished in summer".
73 Tilsworth Road March 2008