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16 Dunstable Road Studham

16 Dunstable Road January 2010
16 Dunstable Road January 2010

The 19th century village of Studham was largely a cluster of surviving properties in Dunstable Road. The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every piece of land and building in the country was to be assessed to determine the rates to be paid on it. Studham was assessed at the end of 1926 and the valuer visiting 16 Dunstable Road noted that the brick and slate detached building was owned by Mrs. Barnard and occupied by Walter Foskett who paid 2/6 per week in rent, the pre-war rent having been 1/9. The valuer's note book is annotated "1828", presumably referring to the date of construction.

The property comprised a kitchen and scullery downstairs with two bedrooms and a boxroom ("bed in") upstairs. Outside stood a weather-boarded and corrugated iron barn and similarly constructed earth closet. There was: "No garden" and "Water from village well".