Penwrights Cottage - 3 Church Road Willington

3 Church Road April 2010
3 Church Road was listed by the former Department of Environment in May 1984 as Grade II, of special interest. The department dated the property to the 17th and 18th centuries. The cottage is of timber framed construction, partly rendered and
colour washed, partly with colour washed brick infill and partly rebuilt in colour washed brick. It has a thatched roof and has a later bay added to the west; the property comprises one-storey and attics. To the rear is an 18th century timber framed and thatched addition of one storey and attics, as well as a flat-roofed 20th century addition.
The cottage does not seem to have been part of the Willington Manor Estate. Certainly it was not sold by then Lords of the Manor in 1903 or 1904 when they broke the estate up and sold it off.
The Rating and Valuation Act 1925 specified that every piece of land and building in the country was to be assessed to determine its rateable value. Willington, like most of the county, was assessed in 1927 and the valuer visiting 3 Church Road [DV1/C154/57-58] found it was split into two cottages.
The easternmost dwelling was owned by J. L. Bartrum and occupied by J. Swaffield who paid 9/3 per calendar month in rent. It was then numbered 55 The Village. Accommodation comprised a living room and kitchen and two bedrooms above. A weather-boarded barn stood outside. The valuer commented: “Poor place”.
The westernmost portion was owned and occupied by E. Cambers who had a living room, kitchen and scullery and two bedrooms above in the roof. A washhouse stood outside.